Leaf Analysis CI-202/203/710s
Find support for leaf analysis, device calibration, data collection, and troubleshooting leaf measurement tools.
CI-710s SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer
- How to replace the CI-710 Blue LED
- Minimum leaf size that can be used with the CI-710s
- The number of CI-710s measurements that can be taken is limited by its memory/number of indexes selected.
- CI-710s Auto Integration Time
- How to delete the SpectraVue (CI-710s) Application Files
- CI-710s not saving measurements with the autosave function enabled
- How do I position the CI-710 to make measurements in reflectance mode?
- Viewing and downloading CI-710S files on a network
- CI-710s data recovery
- CI-710s (SpectraVue) Measurement Modes
- What if there is no intensity from the light source?
- CI-710s Enable on-screen functionality of keyboard
- CI-710s NDVI calculations
- CI-710s SpectraVue Data File Description
- CI-203 Outputting “object too small”
- What is the typical reflectance seen by terrestrial plants?
- CI-710s Measurement Modes
- What if there is a strong presence of stray light with the CI-710?
- CI-710s formulas used to calculate reflectance, transmittance and absorbance
- How do I get a spectrum that is not saturated?
- CI-710s bulb intensity and ON Time
- CI-710s Data Explained
- 710s Index Calculation
- How can I smooth the wavelength and possible increase the range?
- CI-710 to Measure the Electron Transfer
- Calibrating the Legacy CI-710
- What is the typical reflectance seen by terrestrial plants with the CI-710s?
CI-203 Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter
- What are the Rec_Off, Rec_Len and Pix_Len data columns?
- How do I remove particles from the CI-203 conveyor attachment?
- How do I transfer data files from the CI-203?
- Why can't I open all the files on the SD card from the CI-203?
- My instrument is stuck 'spinning up' when powering on / how do I realign the lasers?
- Are some of the column headers reversed in the spreadsheet data exported from the CI-203?
- What if the leaf length isn't measured accurately with the CI-203?
- CI-203 Minimum Leaf Size for Measurement
- Where do I download the most current version of CI-203 driver and software?
- Battery replacement for the CI-203 manufactured prior to 2012
- How do I calibrate the CI-203?
- How do I clean the CI-203?
- Could I use the CI-203 to identify diseased or eaten portions of leaves?
- How do I turn the CI-203 off if the instrument is hung-up and the display is frozen?
- How do environmental changes affect the CI-203?
- CI-203 battery storage recommendations
CI-202 Portable Laser Leaf Area Meter
- CI-202 File Create Procedure
- CI-202 stuck on “stabilizing” or the lens motor spins at high speed
- Should the user ever calibrate the CI-202?
- CI-202 Stuck on Stabilizing and/or Spinning Up
- How are the CI-202 measurements stored?
- CI-202 Step Length Measurement
- What are the CI-202 measurement size filters for in Root Scan mode?